DB Version Enhancement Release Notes

Release Date: 1/6/2011

Following is a summary of the corrections and enhancements included in the Tenmast Software Enhancement Release with the release date of 1/6/2011.

Budget Release Notes

Consumable Inventory Release Notes

Employee Access Release Notes

General Ledger Release Notes

IRS 1099 Release Notes

Landlord Access Release Notes

Occupancy and Rent Calculation Release Notes

Payroll Release Notes 

PHAS Release Notes

Section 8 Tenant and Landlord Release Notes

Shelter Plus Care Release Notes

Tenant Account Receivables Release Notes

Work Order Release Notes


Program Version:

Program Date: 12/1/2010


1. In order to make browsing through a large number of budget revisions easier, we have added the ability to specify a group of budget revisions as "open." If you select to "Open a Budget" on the Maintain Budgets screen, a checkmark appears in the "Open" checkbox and the budget record will then display on the Browse Budgets screen when "Open" is selected in the View drop-down list. If you select to "Close a Budget" on the Maintain Budgets screen, the checkmark disappears from the Open checkbox and the budget record will then display on the Browse Budgets screen when "Closed" is selected in the View drop-down list.

Note: The Open/Closed status is unrelated to the submit and approval status of the budget.

Path: Main Menu > Budgets > Browse Budgets screen > Maintain Budgets screen > Main tab > Wizard icon drop-down list > Open Budget/Close Budget > Open checkbox

Consumable Inventory


1. We have updated the user manual and have added a new online help center for the Consumable Inventory program. You can access the CI Help Center using the “CI Help Center” link located in the TenCentral panel. The CI Help Center is a Web-based Help format that can run on almost any browser. Features of the new online help center include a searchable, process- driven table of contents, a glossary of key terms, and a comprehensive index.

Note: In order to use the Help Center, your agency needs an Internet connection.

Employee Access

Bug Reports

1. Previously, if error messages appeared, the message would be hard to read and it was difficult to understand what problem had occurred and how to fix it. This has been corrected so that more meaningful and easy to understand messages will appear throughout the program.
2. The Check History page was incorrectly displaying checks for only the current year. This has been corrected and the page now shows all available years of check history for employees.
3. If a user tried to login when the database server was down, the program incorrectly stated that the username or password was incorrect. This issue has been corrected.
4. The on screen instructions for resetting a password were not displaying the correct text. This has been corrected and the following text will now display to help the user in resetting their password:

"In order to change your password, you must enter your current (temporary) password, as well as your new password and a confirmation of your new password.

Your new password is case sensitive. It must be at least six characters long, and it must include at least one letter and one number."

5. Partner Access programs were not working correctly for WinTen clients who do NOT use the WinTen Inspections program. This has been corrected.

General Ledger

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/17/2010

Bug Report

1. Previously, users were able to link accounts to calculated or obsolete FDS codes which sometimes resulted in incorrect reports. This has been corrected and you are no longer able to select and link a calculated or obsolete FDS code on the Maintain Accounts screen.

Path: Main Menu screen > Accounts > Browse Accounts screen > Maintain Accounts screen > Main tab > FDS Account Code drop-down list

Note: After your agency has installed this release, all existing accounts that are linked to calculated or obsolete FDS codes, the FDS Account Code drop-down list will appear blank or with "None" selected.

IRS 1099

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/10/2010


1. The state codes of all states participating in the option to combine federal and state 1099s are now added to the program and the appropriate code will be automatically entered on the 1099 after the Federal/State Combined option is selected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Setup screen > Transmitter > Setup IRS 1099 Transmitter screen > Default Settings tab > Transmitter Information sub-tab > Federal/State Combined checkbox

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Setup screen > Payer > Maintain Company screen > Company tab > Federal/State Combined checkbox

Note: Participating states and their codes are as follows:Alabama 01, Indiana 18, Nebraska 31, Arizona 04, Iowa 19, New Jersey 34, Arkansas 05, Kansas 20, New Mexico 35, California 06, Louisiana 22, North Carolina 37, Colorado 07, Maine 23, North Dakota 38, Connecticut 08, Maryland 24, Ohio 39, Delaware 10, Massachusetts 25, South Carolina 45, District of Columbia 11, Minnesota 27, Utah 49, Georgia 13, Mississippi 28, Virginia 51, Hawaii 15, Missouri 29, Wisconsin 55, Idaho 16, Montana 30.

Landlord Access


1. The Tenant Payment Listing on the HAP Detail page is now sorted alphabetically by description.
2. If your housing authority chose to display a logo image and your address on the Landlord Access Web site, the Check Detail Report accessed from the Print Voucher link on the HAP Detail page now automatically displays this logo and address.
3. If a landlord received multiple payments on the same date, the landlord's name was displaying twice on the Landlord Info page, as well as in the Landlord Name drop-down list on the HAP History page. We have enhanced the program so that landlords with multiple payments will now only display once in both locations.
4. You now have the choice to automatically create inspection records in the WinTen² Section 8 Landlord Inspections program when inspections are reported as finished by the landlord in the Landlord Access program. To automatically create inspection records, the HA administrator must log into Landlord Access and set the Create Inspection Record setting to True on the new HA Admin page. If set to False, inspection records are NOT created.

When set to True, and after a landlord clicks the Repairs Completed link on the Inspection Detail page, an inspection with a status of "Requested" is created in Section 8 Desktop Inspections. To actually schedule the inspection, the appropriate housing agency employee must then edit the inspection record and manually change the status to "Scheduled."

Feature Request

1. We have added a new 1099 page to the program where landlords can view their 1099 form for the current year.

Note: The 1099 forms become available in Landlord Access AFTER gathering 1099 submissions in the WinTen or WinTen² IRS 1099 program.

Bug Reports

1. Previously, if error messages appeared, the message would be hard to read and it was difficult to understand what problem had occurred and how to fix it. This has been corrected so that more meaningful and easy to understand messages will appear throughout the program.
2. Previously, alllandlord checks were being displayed. This has been corrected so that only the past two year history of checks for each landlord will now display.
3. After selecting to view a property with no street number available, the following error appeared: "DataBinding: 'DevExpress.Web.Data.WebDataRow' does not contain a property with the name 'Street.'" This has been corrected.
4. After selecting to view a property that did not have information in all the fields on the Property Info page, the following error appeared: "Error: Landlord_Inspections is currently unavailable." This has been corrected.
5. The Tenant Rent field on the Property Info page was displaying an incorrect amount. This has been corrected.
6. The on screen instructions for resetting a password were not displaying the correct text. This has been corrected and the following text will now display to help the user in resetting their password:

"In order to change your password, you must enter your current (temporary) password, as well as your new password and a confirmation of your new password.

Your new password is case sensitive. It must be at least six characters long, and it must include at least one letter and one number."

7. Information did not display correctly on the PDF/Excel spreadsheet launched on the HAP History page if you clicked to export to PDF or Excel multiple times. This has been corrected.
8. Adjustment checks that did not have a tenant attached were not displaying in the Tenant Payment Listing on the HAP Detail page. This has been corrected.
9. If a user tried to login when the database server was down, the program incorrectly stated that the username or password was incorrect. This issue has been corrected.
10. Partner Access programs were not working correctly for WinTen clients who do NOT use the WinTen Inspections program. This has been corrected.

Occupancy and Rent Calculation

Program Version: 1.354.10.0

Program Date: 12/20/2010

Feature Request

1. Previously, adjustment amounts for Section 8 HAP/URP changes (move outs, move ins, unit transfers, etc.) could only be entered in a pop-up window that appeared after finalizing certain Section 8 certifications. This window did not provide a way to apply individual adjustments or enter descriptions for the adjustments.This has been corrected and you can now add an adjustment's full details using the new Add Adjustments Wizard. After finalizing a Section 8 certification, a message appears asking if you would like to apply Section 8 adjustments. After choosing Yes, the new Add Adjustments Wizard opens where you can add a new adjustment. (You can also edit/delete an existing adjustment for the tenant in the wizard.) For more information, please see the Processing a Section 8 Annual Certification Quick Start Guide.

Path: Main Menu screen> Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize Certification icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > Add Adjustments Wizard > Add icon

The adjustments added in the ORC program will then display for the tenant on the Payment Info tab of the Section 8 Tenant and Landlord program.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab

Bug Reports

1. After editing utility information, the utilities paid amount was not updating if the tenant was responsible for paying utilities. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen> Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Unit Information icon > Maintain Assisted Housing Units screen > Utilities tab > Utilities field

2. If a household has a member that is a foster child and the foster child is marked as handicapped or disabled, the household was incorrectly receiving a dependant allowance for this member. (HUD regulations state that foster children do not qualify for a dependant allowance.) The resulting additional money for the dependant allowance caused an incorrect rent calculation. This issue has been corrected.
3. Move out adjustments for TRACS vouchers were sometimes incorrectly returned as zero amounts. This has been corrected.


1. We have updated the 52646 voucher to match the latest version released by HUD.

Path: Main Menu screen> Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Main tab > Reports Menu icon > Tenant Reports screen > Form HUD - 52646 (Voucher)

2. Previously, after moving out a TRACS tenant, the adjustments were paid back and the correct amounts were entered, but the adjustments were not created in accordance with appendix H of the 4350.3 handbook. To make ORC in accordance with move out adjustment examples in Appendix H of the 4350.3 handbook, the program now creates three adjustments for a TRACS move out: the initial adjustment pays back full months for which the tenant has received subsidy, the second adjustment re-submits money owed to the HA for the partial month that the tenant is under subsidy, and the third adjustment then reports the move out.

The new adjustment records can be viewed in the eTrans Wizard.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenant > Browse Tenants screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > eTrans Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Certification > Browse Certifications screen > Tenant Detail screen > Certifications tab > Finalize icon > Finalize Certification Wizard > eTrans Wizard


Program Version:

Program Date: 12/22/2010

Feature Request

1. You can now select from all available IRS codes for use with box 12 on the W2 form.

Path: Main Menu screen > Setup > Payroll Setup Form screen > Settings > Setup Income, Deductions, and Taxes (Accounting) screen > Income Types tab > IRS Code for Box 12 drop-down list

Bug Report

1. If you changed profile distribution amounts and then processed checks immediately after the change withoutexiting/closing out of the Payroll program first, the profile amounts were distributing to the wrong general ledger accounts. This has been corrected.


Program Version:

Program Date: 12/29/2010

Bug Report

1. Previously, the program did not offer the Vacant Units or Occupied Units reports that are found in the Tenant Accounts Receivable program. These reports are now available. The Vacant Units report also now includes the ability to exclude specific unit actions and PHAS exemptions.

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > PHAS Reports screen > General tab > Vacant Units/Occupied Units reports

Section 8 Tenant & Landlord

Program Version: 1.346.10.0

Program Date: 12/12/2010


1. Previously, the Owner 1099 Totals report was filtered by data area. This prevented users from using the report to balance against 1099 forms for landlords who have tenants in more than one data area. To allow users to balance this report to their 1099 forms, the report now displays data from all data areas.

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Landlords tab > Owner 1099 Totals report

2. We have enhanced the Check Adjustment Report located in the Check Processing Wizard:

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Check Processing Wizard > Step 6 > Maintain Check Adjustment screen > Print/Print Preview icon > Check Adjustment Report

3. We have corrected and enhanced the way check adjustments are added and tracked:

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Add New Adjustment icon > Add Adjustments Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants > Browse Tenants screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Payment Info tab > Add New Adjustment icon > Add Adjustments Wizard (Step 1) > VMS Date field

Path: Main Menu screen > Landlords > Browse Landlords screen > Maintain Landlords screen > Check Adjustments tab > VMS Date field

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Initialization tab

Path: Main Menu screen > Initialize > Section 8 Monthly Initialization Wizard > Step 6

Bug Reports

1. Dollar signs and decimal points were not displaying correctly in the Amount column of the Owner 1099 Totals report. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Reports > Section 8 Reports screen > Landlords tab > Owner 1099 Totals report

2. Only tenant names were printed in the Description line on the Pre Check report, printed checks, Excess Voucher report and the Pre Posting report. As a result, blank descriptions were printing for adjustments that didn't have associated tenants. This has been corrected and adjustment descriptions now also display in the Description line.

Path: Main Menu screen > Checks > Check Processing Wizard > Steps 7-13 > Pre Check Report/Checks/Excess Vouchers Report/Pre-posting Report

Shelter Plus Care


1. We have updated the user manual and have added a new online help center for the Shelter Plus Care program. You can access the SPC Help Center using the “SPC Help Center” link located in the TenCentral panel. The SPC Help Center is a Web-based Help format that can run on almost any browser. Features of the new online help center include a searchable, process- driven table of contents, a glossary of key terms, and a comprehensive index.

Note: In order to use the Help Center, your agency needs an Internet connection.

Tenant Account Receivables

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/29/2010


1. We have enhanced the Account Details and Account Summary tabs:

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants> Browse Tenant Leases screen > Tenant Management screen > Account Summary/Account Details tabs

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary/Account Details tabs

2. We have enhanced the Add Charge , Add Credit Memo/Adjustment, Add Recurring Charge, and Add Recurring Credit Memo Wizards. The Description field now defaults to the selected type of charge/adjustment if the field is left blank by the user.

Path: Main Menu screen > Tenants> Browse Tenant Leases screen > Maintain Tenants screen > Account Summary/Account Details/Recurring Transactions tabs > Wizard icon drop-down list

Path: Main Menu screen > Receivables > Browse Customers screen > Maintain Customer Information screen > Account Summary/Account Details/Recurring Transactions tabs > Wizard icon drop-down list

Bug Reports

1. Percentages were sometimes displaying incorrectly on the Rent Collection Performance Report. To correct this issue, the columns of the report have been renamed, we added a new Amount To Be Collected column, and the Outstanding Amount Due column now holds the debit amount due (amount actually owed).  If a customer appears on the report with a credit rent and a credit balance (in the new Amount To Be Collected column) and an Outstanding Amount Due of zero, the % Collected and % Uncollected columns will both display zeros.

For ease in reviewing the report and understanding what the columns report, we also added column guides:

Column A = Prior Uncollected

Column B = Charge/Credit for Period

Column C = Transfers/Adjustments

Column D = Amount To Be Collected (A + B + C)

Column E = Amount Paid this Period

Column F = Outstanding Amount Due ( D - E) Only if greater than zero

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Receivable tab > Rent Collection Performance Report

2. When generating monthly transactions, the following error sometimes appeared: "Error -23000: RAISERROR executed: User 'RecCustomerAccountRecBalanceToday' has the row in 'RecCustomerAccountRecBalanceToday' locked Procedure: "RecCustomerAccountRecBalanceTodayUpdate". This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Monthly tab > Generate Monthly Transactions

3. When applying interest to accounts, interest was not applying to accounts with balances transferred in from other accounts. This has been corrected.

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Monthly tab > Apply Interest

4. The Pre-posting Report and Posting Report in the Process EPF Wizard was not displaying tenant payments if the tenant accounts were not associated to a lease. This has been corrected.

Note: The wizard did correctly post payments to the tenant accounts.

Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Daily tab > Process Electronic Payment File

5. Previously, you were only able to exclude all unit actions/activities from the Vacant Units report. To make the report more accurate for units with multiple activities, you can now select to exclude specific unit actions and PHAS exemptions from the report.

Path: Main Menu screen > Report > Receivable Reports screen > Units tab > Vacant Units report > Unit Actions (Activities) to Exclude/Unit Exemptions (Conditions) to Exclude checkboxes

Note: At this time, if the Vacant Units Report is accessed from the Close Month Process Wizard, the default listing will now display ALL unit actions/activities with no exclusions. The new exclusion options will be available for the report in the Close Month Process Wizard in a future release. Path: Main Menu screen > Periodic > Periodic Processing screen > Monthly tab > Close Month Process >Close Month Process Wizard (Step 6) >Vacant Units report

6. Tenmast recently implemented an "Exception Handler" tool. This tool triggers an email alert to the Tenmast Programming department when certain errors occur for our clients in WinTen² programs. This tool was implemented so we can begin work on fixing the error(s) before our clients even need to report it.

We have updated the Exception Handler service so additional errors in the Tenant Accounts Receivable program will trigger an email to the Tenmast Programming department. These new errors pertain to the tenant lease management, payment history, recurring transaction, periodic processing, and setup areas of the program.

Work Order

Program Version:

Program Date: 12/3/2010


1. It was taking an unusually long amount of time to work through the Add Work Order Wizard. This process has been accelerated.

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Add icon > Add Work Order Wizard

Path: Main Menu screen > Maintain > Browse Work Orders screen > Maintain Work Orders screen > Add icon drop-down list > Add Work Order > Add Work Order Wizard

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